🤯 Clients Paying MORE in Tax Penalties Than Insurance? Time for YOU to Help!

Hey fellow insurance agents! Did you know that many Californians are paying WAY more in tax penalties than they would for health insurance? This is where WE step in! 💪

California's marketplace, Covered California, offers plans for as low as $10 a month! Some folks may not realize they qualify for major subsidies.

The stats are shocking: In 2022, over 271,000 California households paid an AVERAGE of $1,149 in health insurance penalties – ouch! 🤕 About 60% of those families made $50,000 or less.

The good news? About 600,000 uninsured Californians could be eligible for subsidized insurance – and that's a huge opportunity for us to make a difference.

Here's the deal:

  • A family of four in LA making $50k could snag a plan for $28/month!
  • Some plans even come with FREE monthly premiums.

This is where our expertise shines! ✨ We can educate clients, bust through the confusion around healthcare, and help them get the coverage they need.

Remember, open enrollment might be closed, but life-changing events (job loss, marriage, etc.) still qualify people for coverage.

Let's use this info to our advantage. Let’s get those clients the affordable insurance they deserve and keep those tax penalties at bay!

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